Dream On
This client had come to us by means of a referral from his Builder. They were interested in creating a high performance dedicated theater. Located above a 5-car garage the committed space was 26 feet wide x 28 feet long with 9-1/2 foot ceilings. Watching films is a passion for this client, so it was important that we recreated the big screen experience and movie theater sound in the comfort of their home.
Working within the given dimensions, we designed the seating for 18 so that all viewers could comfortably enjoy the show. We decided on soft fabric reclining chairs, arranged in three rows of six seats each. The room was treated with staggered stud construction and an acoustical sound absorption system, which was integrated into the millwork.

Technology Budget:
$ 290,000
* Excludes; Architect, Interior Designer, Carpenter & Furnishings.
Equipment List
(1) Sony VPH-G90Q 9” CRT, 2500 x 2000
pixel Graphics Grade Video Projector
(1) Electro-kinetic Motorized Projector Li
(1) Sony IFB 1400 DVD Input Progressive Scan Input Board
(1) Faroudja DVP5000 NTSC Digital Video Processor/Scaler
(1) JVC HRS-9900U HiFi VCR + S-VHS Player
(1) RCA DTC 200 HD HDTV Satellite Receiver
(1) Hughes 24” 3 LNB HDTV Satellite Dish
(1) Pioneer Elite DV47ai Progressive Scan
DVD / CD Super Audio & DVD-CD Audio
(1) Stewart FilmScreen 123” HD WideScreen
60”h x107”w Studio Tek 130 Micro Perf Screen
(1) JBL Synthesis SDP-3 THX Digital
Surround Processor / System Controller
(1)JBL Synthesis S7150 7 Channel THX Power Amplifier
(1) JBL Synthesis S800 THX 800 Wa Mono-Bridged Power Amplifier
(3) JBL 3678 LCR Screen Channels
(1) JBL 4642 Dual 18” Subwoofer System
(4) Sonance Cinema ONE.SUR DiPole 3 Way
In Wall Loudspeakers - Sides & Rearsc
(4) Sonance Cinema Flex Bracket for In-Wall Cinema Loudspeakers
(6) Acoustex Speaker Fabric to cover Left,
Right and Subwoofer Openings
(1) AMX Accent 3 Master Controller
(2) AMX VSS-2 Video Sync Sensor (DVD, VCR, DSS) “
(1) AMX Tripplite PS2.8 Power Supply for Accent 3
(1) AMX AXR-RF RF Receiver
(1) AMX VPT-CP Viewpoint Color Wireless Touch Panel
(1) AMX VPA-DS Viewpoint Docking & Recharging Station
(1) AMX VPA-BP Rechargeable Viewpoint Back Up Ba ery for Docking Station
(1) Lutron GRX-MR-6T 6 zone 16 Scenes Low Voltage Graphic Eye
(1) Lutron GRX-AV RS 232 Interface Controller
(1) Lutron NT-GRX-4S 4 Scene Selection Controller
(1) Custom Interconnects, Tara Labs 14/2 Wire, IR Flashers & Projector Cables
(1) Sony PSS 90//AA VPHG90U Projector Ceiling Support Bracket
(1) Middle Atlantic ERK Rack System; 44 Space Rack, RSH4S, & surge suppression
(1) Altenex Custom Floor Jack for Phone Outlet, PC & Video Game Plug in

A 123-inch Stewart HD Wide Screen was the perfect size to deliver that “movie theater experience” they were searching for. A Sony G90 CRT video projector with 9” guns matched with the Faourdja 5000 Scaler delivered stunning video. Th e compliment the video a JBL Syntheses SDP-3 Processor and individual amplifi ers powered the JBL Professional Series Loudspeakers – oft en the same speakers you hear at most Cineplex’s across the USA. The sound was Big, Loud and Clear, delivering an engaging experience.
Of course, it’s no fun if you don’t know how to get the system working. An AMX Viewpoint control system was integrated so that even a guest can operate the theater system by simply touching menu items and icons. In addition we integrated a six-zone Lutron GRA FIK Eye system to handle the lighting control. Source components included HD Satellite, TIVO, DVD Player, VCR and a Game Systems (Sony PS2, X-Box), all of which were integrated into a Middle Atlantic ERK Rack system located outside of the theater.
Our clients report that the theater has been the staging ground for many fun-filled family weekends & major sporting events. They love recreate that “movie theater experience” to family and friends and watch their jaws drop when they watch the superb picture and hear the fabulous theater sound around them.