The most important piece of technology in residential and commercial spaces is also one of the least glamourous. The Advanced Wiring System (AWS) isn’t as flashy as a flat screen and doesn’t pack the same punch as a full speaker complement. However, it does serve as the communications backbone for all of the other electronic devices connected to your setup.Today’s homes and businesses rely on a strong AWS. That’s because so much of our daily routine revolves around the ability to use wireless and wired communications. Network, phone, TV, surveillance, audio, video, and even today’s smart HVAC systems all require some type of connectivity to make them operate and communicate. Having an AWS puts all of the necessary connectivity for each of those electronic components into one system that runs throughout your home or business.
Here are a few of the ways EDG can help build up that backbone:
Planning & Placement:
EDG uses industry standard icons and the best practices to plan a system that’s best suited for your needs.
One of the most important things to consider is where the system will extend its reach. Jacks should be located where needed and be easily accessible. Of course, wireless is also a possibility. However, you can’t always rely on the router from your service provider. Devices need to be up to date and up to speed, with connectivity that works throughout the property—including outdoor areas.
EDG can determine where you should extend that network and what’s needed to keep it running smoothly.
Want that cable TV signal to go through every room in the house? Need reliable communications methods throughout the office? There really is no substitute for a hardwired system. Having a hardwired AWS in place not only ensures a reliable connection, but allows you to stuff components into every corner. Audio, video, networking, security, HVAC, and more can all connect to the same system, regardless of whether the actual components are in a closet, basement, or cabinet.
EDG can establish performance and technical criteria for various cabling configurations. We will also set minimum requirements for telecommunications cabling within your unique environment.
Of course, you’re going to want a wireless setup. So many devices depend on it, whether you’re at work or play. EDG can put together a plan that will combine both hardwired and wireless solutions for the best experience possible. If you’re stuck on going completely wire-free, there are ways we can help you create that type of network. Whether it’s a home or business, we can use add-ons, such as access points and signal repeaters to build a strong, reliable wireless network for one or more users.
For additional advanced wiring images, please see our equipment racks and rooms gallery